12 Innovative Features to Think of During Construction


When you are planning to begin construction on a new house, it is important to take a look at the innovative products and methods, so that you can create a durable, sustainable and healthy home. Listed below are 12 innovative features available for you to consider. They can help you to get the most out of your construction project.

1.     Treat your building as one energy unit

At the time of constructing a new home, you need to consider it as one energy unit. Then you will notice how different systems can create an impact on each other. Along with this, you can reduce your energy expenses by up to 70% during construction. In other words, you can experience efficient use of water, electricity and other natural resources.

2.       Get safety attire based upon latest tech

You can find numerous technologically empowered safety attire available for sub-contractors to wear. For example, exoskeleton suits can help them to reduce the effort while lifting heavy objects. This can help them to stay away from back injuries. You can take a look at them and get as needed.

3.     Get an expanded garage

It is worthy to think about getting an expanded garage, which offers additional depth. You will never worry about the additional space you get because it will always be useful to you in the future.

4.     Keep provisioning for extra outlets

It is important to always think about extra electrical outlets in your new home. You will have to spend more money on it, but you will appreciate the decision taken at a later stage. You will figure out the importance of those extra outlets when you are trying to put up Christmas lights and come across other similar situations.

5.     Inputting a custom sprinkler system

If you don’t want to spend a lot of time on yardwork, you should think about getting an in-built sprinkler system installed. It will provide you the chance to save a considerable amount of time and effort.

6.     Invest on smart devices

We are moving into a smart world and you should never think twice before you invest on smart devices during the construction. For example, you can get smart heating and cooling systems that are paired with programmable thermostats. They will not just make your life easy but can also help you to save lots of energy. Some other smart devices available for you to get during the construction include smart door locks, smart doorbells and smart carbon monoxide or smoke detectors. They can help you to boost the overall security of your house.

7.     Have a centralized vacuum system

Another valuable addition to your home would be a centralized vacuum system. It will help you to minimize the circulation of dust around the house. Hence, you and your loved family members can stay away from allergies.

8.     Installing a heated driveway

A heated driveway will help you to stay away from the struggle of shoveling your driveway during the winter season. It will melt snow effectively and you will never have to worry about the problems created by snow during the winter season.

9.     Installing heated floors

Popularity of getting heated floors is increasing along with time. This is where you can get warming coils placed under the floorboards of the house. You can turn on and off with the flip of a switch and will make those cold mornings much more enjoyable!

10. Lighting under cabinets

When you are lighting up your cabinets, you have two main options available to consider. You can get lights inside the cabinet or under your cabinet. They can deliver an aesthetically pleasing appearance. On top of that, you will find them useful. You can get LED strips at any hardware store for lighting your cabinets.

11.  Get a mudroom

Another useful addition to consider during the construction of your home is a mudroom. With a mudroom, you will be able to take off the muddy shoes and hang your coat before entering the home. This will provide all the support needed to keep your house clean. The mudroom doesn’t need to be huge and will provide a great amount of extra storage.

12.  Make your ceilings high

Last but not least, you should think about making your ceilings high. In other words, you should at least have a height of around 8 feet. Then you will have enough space to enhance the luxurious appearance of your home.

These 12 innovative features will be sure to make you fall in love with your new home!



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